Mendel University in Brno
5 July 2023

Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU) is a higher education school in the field of agriculture and forestry with a 95-year history. Named after the founder of genetics and the discoverer of the laws of inheritance, G. J. Mendel, the university is located within the limits of Brno, so the students can enjoy all the perks of living in the municipal centre of Moravia.
The university offers 75 programs at 5 faculties, attended by more than 11,000 students.
Mendel University is a member of the Central European Institute of Technology’s research excellence centre.
MENDELU maintains 70 speciality laboratories.
Almost 1,600 international students account for nearly 20% of the entire student body, world’s premier agricultural schools control student exchange programs.
Besides agricultural programs, Mendel University offers sought-after creative specialities, such as Landscape Design, Finance, and Management and Marketing.
The University’s Faculty of Economics provides a variety of creative courses, such as Digital Photography, Computer Graphics, Music, Organization of Exhibitions and Fairs, PR, and so on.
Studying in the Czech language is free.
MENDELU rating
MENDELU is in the top universities of the Czech Republic and is among the top 100 universities in Europe and Asia according to the EECA University Rankings 2021, thanks to its international students and faculty ratio and international research network score. Mendel University is also ranked 801 in the QS World University Rankings.
MENDELU exchange programs
Mendel University believes in international partnerships with leading agricultural universities all around Europe, Asia, and the US. The school’s main partners are Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna and many others.
MENDELU students are not only able to go on foreign student exchange programs, such as Erasmus+, but are also encouraged to apply for internships and traineeships in international partner companies, for which the university provides recommendation letters and placement help.
Faculty of AgriSciences
Bachelor’s degree programs
Landscaping and soil protection
Water in the agroecosystem
Applied technology
Waste management
Operation of technology
Technical expertise and valuation
Agricultural buildings and technological equipment
Plant Production
Plant medicine (Phytomedicine)
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Professional farming
Food technology
Agricultural engineering
Agricultural business
Agricultural engineering
Animal Breeding
Animal Breeding
Enrollment is carried out without exams, based on a certificate competition.
Master’s degree specializations
Landscaping and soil protection
Water in the agroecosystem
Plant production
Animal Nutrition
Molecular biology and biotechnology
MBB of plants
MBB of animals
Waste management
Food science and human nutrition
Food quality and safety
Food technology
Human nutrition
Professional farming
Machinery management
Plant protection
Fisheries and hydrobiology
Technical expertise and appraisement
Agricultural engineering
Agricultural engineering
Animal breeding
Horse breeding and agrotourism
Animal breeding
General Agriculture (in English)
Entrance exams for follow-up Master’s programs: a written test in the subjects that were taken as part of the state examinations of the corresponding bachelor’s degree program.
For master’s program in English payment of tuition fee of CZK 79,390 per annum (approx. USD3500) is required.
Submission of applications: until March 31.
Web-site of the faculty:
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology
Bachelor’s degree specializations
Arboristics Furniture Design (creative exam\portfolio application) Landscaping Forestry Tropical and subtropical forestry Forestry Gamekeeping Wood-based construction Technology and management of wood processing Furniture Design and Manufacture Furniture design Furniture production
Master’s degree specializations
Furniture design
Landscape Engineering
Forest engineering
Forest engineering
Forest engineering of the tropics and subtropics
Furniture engineering
Wood-based constructions
Technical biology of woody plants
Wood processing technology and management
European Forestry (in English)
Entrance exams for Master’s programs: an exam in the subjects that were taken as part of the state examinations of the corresponding bachelor’s degree program.
For the master’s program in English payment of a tuition fee of CZK 65,000 per annum (approx. USD2790) is required.
Submission of applications: until March 31.
Web-site of the faculty:
Faculty of Economics
Bachelor’s degree specializations
Financial services
Trade and service management
Economics and Management (full-time and part-time form)
IS / ICT Administration (full-time and part-time form)
Open Informatics
Economics and Management (in English)
Entrance exams: a test of prerequisites for study: for the study program Administration IS / ICT additional test in Informatics is required.
Master’s degree specializations
Economics and Management
Economics and Management (part-time)
Economic Policy and Administration
Accounting and Taxes
Open Informatics
Open Informatics (in Engish)
Submission of applications: for bachelor’s degree – until April 3, for master’s degree – until May 15.
For bachelor and master’s programs in English payment of a tuition fee of CZK 65,000 per annum (approx. USD2790) is required.
Web-site of the faculty:
Faculty of Horticulture
Bachelor’s degree specializations
Horticultural engineering
Horticulture (full-time and part-time)
Viticulture and winemaking (full-time and part-time)
Processing technologies and food quality (full-time and part-time)
Landscape architecture (full-time)
Implementation and management of greenery
Garden and landscape realizations (full-time)
Greenery Management (part-time)
Floristic work (full-time)
Entrance exam: no exams for programs Horticultural engineering, Implementation and management of greenery and Floristic work. For the program Landscape architecture, the applicant needs to undergo a test in biology, a creativity exam and an interview.
Master’s degree specializations
Horticultural engineering
Horticulture (full-time and part-time)
Viticulture and winemaking (full-time and part-time)
Processing technologies and food quality (full-time and part-time)
Landscape architecture (full-time)
Implementation and management of greenery(full-time)
Floristic work (full-time)
Submission of applications: for bachelor’s degree – until March 31, for master’s degree – until May 20.
Web-site of the faculty:
Faculty of Regional Development and International studies
Bachelor’s degree specializations
Regional Development
International Territorial Studies
International Territorial Studies (in English)
Entrance exams: prerequisites for the study test (TSP, example) – for programs in Czech; a test for general knowledge for the program in English (example).
Master’s degree specializations
Regional Development
International Territorial Studies
International Territorial Studies (in English)
Entrance exams: for program Regional Development applicants must undergo an exam in regional economics and politics, sociology, and environment protection; for program International Territorial Studies applicants must undergo an exam in regional development ( including problems of using natural sources, problems of developing countries).
Submission of applications: until April 30.
The tuition fee for studying in English is 58 000 Kč per annum.
Web-site of the faculty:
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