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Admission to Medicine
Higher education
Admission to Medicine
Prague; Czech Republic
1020 hours

Preparation for admission to the Faculty of Medicine includes:

  • 870 hours of Czech language + 150 hours of preparation in physics, chemistry and biology

  • intensive training for passing entrance exams in the specialties "General Medicine" and "Dentistry"

  • preparation for the logic test and oral interview

Chọn biểu giá

Who is this program for?

If you want to build a career in medicine and obtain a European medical diploma, pay attention to Czech universities. Charles University has the largest selection of medical faculties. It will not be easy to get in, as you will have to compete with graduates of Czech gymnasiums with a medical focus. However, after successfully completing the "Admission to Medicine" program, it is possible to do this and become a student of the medical faculty. Foreign doctors are in high demand in the Czech Republic after graduation.

What is included in the preparatory program?

The program includes a Czech language course up to level B2/C1 according to CEFR with basic vocabulary in biology, physics, chemistry and medicine (870 hours) and a specialized exam preparation course (150 hours, 50 hours for each of the three specialized subjects).

As part of the program, students receive consultations on passing the test of general aptitude for studying medicine (taken upon admission to the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University) and an oral interview.

Where can I go if I complete the program?

The "Admission to Medicine" program allows you to effectively prepare for exams and easily enroll in any medical faculty in the Czech Republic.

Teaching Methodology

GoStudy teachers pay special attention to language training, since admission to some medical faculties requires knowledge of Czech at the B2+/C1 level. This is logical, since medical terminology is very complex. If an applicant has a worse command of the language, then even if he or she is admitted, it will be difficult for him or her to study.

In classes on specialized subjects, the teacher uses presentations, tests, and materials on chemistry, physics, and biology, developed specifically for GoStudy students. The students also constantly work with samples of entrance tests published by Czech medical faculties and study Latin terms.

Important: it is almost impossible to pass the entrance exams and enroll the first time on your own, without professional preparation.

Briefly about the teachers

Experienced teachers from prestigious Prague gymnasiums with extensive experience in pre-university training of foreign applicants prepare students for entrance exams in biology, chemistry, and physics.

Czech language classes are taught by linguists and native speakers. Many of them have a doctorate and teach at universities in the Czech Republic.

Completed the program = Entered the university

Nguyen Chi Dung, 18, Hanoi

“I always dreamed of being a doctor and studying in Europe. At GoStudy, they advised me to apply to several faculties at once to increase my chances of admission. I knew the subjects well, but I was most worried about Latin, I could not remember the names of the bones in the human skeleton. However, in the end, I passed the Czech B2 certificate and entered Charles University in two of the three faculties to which I sent an “invitation”. I chose the First Medical Faculty, of course. Thank you, GoStudy!”

Admission to Medicine. Standard

5.725,00 €

Prague, Czech Republic
1020 hours

➕ Entrance exams for medicine require almost university-level knowledge.

➕ Thanks to the program, you will be prepared and pass everything the first time.

➕ In-depth preparation in chemistry, biology and physics simplifies studies in the first year.

➕ Long-term visa for the purpose of study (D/VC/23,24)

Payment types

If you pay the full cost of the program immediately after signing the contract, you will receive a 5% discount.


Bạn trả tiền cho chương trình trong hai giai đoạn. 50% chi phí – sau khi ký hợp đồng và 50% – khi đến nước này, trong vòng 3 ngày sau khi bắt đầu đào tạo (chi phí của chương trình vẫn không thay đổi).


Khi ký kết hợp đồng, bạn phải trả phí đăng ký là 500 euro. Phần còn lại của số tiền (+ hoa hồng trả chậm với số tiền 100 euro) – trước khi bắt đầu đào tạo.


Khi ký hợp đồng, bạn phải trả phí đăng ký 500 euro. Phần còn lại của số tiền được chia cho số tháng đào tạo. Khi bạn bắt đầu đào tạo, bạn thực hiện thanh toán hàng tháng.


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